Day 6

Here I am embracing Day 6, on the 3rd day of January 2011.  Day 1 started about 45 days ago with a 3 class pass purchased from Living Social.  My legs are still a little sore from the Thursday night/Friday morning back to back classes.  I cancelled yesterday because I was still in Atlantic City, I already scheduled a replacement.  5 Lithe Method classes a week is my goal.  Here’s to setting and keeping goals!

There never has really been a time in my life where I was “fit” persay.  I was never the chunky kid in class but I certainly wasn’t able to run laps either.  Most of my 20s have been spent over eating and gaining, some of my 20s have been spent dieting and losing.  I’ve also tried some gyms but those were short term relationships.  As an adult I still don’t like running laps, especially not on a treadmill.  My first class was killer, I didn’t think I would survive it.  Yes I thought I would actually pass out and die.  I was surprised that after the class I felt invigorated, then the 4 days of soreness set in.  Walking down stairs was.the.worst.  And I walk up and down stairs constantly.  My bed is on the 2nd floor of my 2nd floor bi-level apartment.  Oh and my office is at the top of a long set of stairs.  But then class 2 happened and everything was easier, by class 3 I was hooked.  I can visualize my future body, the slim waist, the high, firm buttocks.  My arms no longer jingling but slim and cut.  I have to do the work though.  I’ve got to do this.